Director Chandra Mohan, known for his films like Double Engine featuring Suman Ranganath, Chikkanna, and the Sathish Ninasam starrer Brahmachari, which was a comedy, is back with his third venture. This time, the director has gone for a multistarrer and has brought in an ensemble cast for the project, including actors Aniissh, Gurunandan, Chikkanna, and Rangayana Raghu in leading roles. Billed to be a comedy entertaining thriller, the film has already commenced its first schedule in the picturesque locale of Madikeri recently.

Under the production banner of NMK Cinemas, helmed by NM Kanthraaj, the film stars Arachana Kottige as one of the female leads. Furthermore, the director is in the final stages of selecting a couple of heroines to be part of the project. With Ravikumar serving as the cinematographer, the makers are on the verge of confirming the music director.

Aniissh, who has recently completed shooting for Aaram Aravind Swamy, is eagerly preparing for its release. Meanwhile, Gurunandan is waiting for his next, Raju James Bond, which will get a release date soon. On the other hand, Chikkanna’s much-anticipated film as a hero, Upadhakysha, directed by Anil Kumar has wrapped up shooting and is currently in the post-production phase.