Suriya’s acclaimed film Jai Bhim was recently screened at the 53rd International International Film Festival of India, in Goa. It was part of the 25 feature films selected in the Indian Panorama. During the interaction with the media and delegates at one of the Table Talks sessions organized by the Press Information Bureau (PIB), the film’s co-producer Rajsekar Pandian revealed that a sequel for the film is being planned and confirmed that it will happen for sure.

Directed by TJ Gnanavel, Jai Bhim is a gripping legal drama that deals with custodial violence and discrimination against a marginalised community. The film is based on a real life story of Rajakannu, a man from the Irula tribe, who got killed by cops during custodial torture. His wife, with the help of advocate K Chandru fought a long legal battle to to seek justice for Rajakannu. In the film, Manikandan and Lijomol played the roles of the couple from the Irula community, while Suriya essayed the part of K Chandru. Upon its direct release on Amazon Prime Video, the film became widely spoken about for its hard-hitting narrative and stellar performances.

During the interaction at IFFI, Rajsekar Pandian hinted that the sequel will be centered around Justice K Chandru and his days as an advocate when he won many landmark cases.