With one month left for Leo, the makers of the film have begun the promotions for the Vijay-starrer. Leaving no stone unturned, the makers have been releasing posters of the film. In line with this, a Telugu and Kannada version of Leo were released in the last two days. While a new poster was set to drop on Tuesday, the makers have decided to postpone it following the demise of Vijay Antony’s daughter.

Taking to social media, Seven Screen Studio which is bankrolling the film, wrote, “Deepest condolences to Vijay Antony sir for the unbearable loss. Our prayers are with you & your family! We respect & believe it’s appropriate to postpone today’s #Leo poster reveal to tomorrow..”

Vijay Antony has notably composed songs for Vija’s films like Sukran, Vettaikaaran and Velayudham.

Vijay Antony’s teenage daughter tragically passed away on Tuesday, and died by suicide.