Actor Rajesh Dhruva who is best known for his role as Akhil from popular Kannada daily soap Agnisakshi, is set to make his big screen debut with Sri Balaji Photo Studio (since 1979). Besides playing the lead role, he will also direct the film.

The upcoming film is in post-production stages.

The first look poster of the upcoming film captures the essence of a traditional photo studio from the 70s, and featuring stock pictures of Kannada celebrities, including that of legendary Dr Rajkumar, in the backdrop.

However, confirming that the film is set in contemporary time, Rajesh says, “The film traces the life of a photographer and his emotional connect with the studio. How this character tries to update with the digital world and how a particular situation brings a turn in his life will be the crux of Sri Balaji Photo Studio.”

Speaking about choosing to direct and star in the film, Rajesh mentions, “I started honing my directorial skills with short films, where I got first-hand experience of getting behind the camera. It helped me to helm my first feature film.”

Sri Balaji Photo Studio is written by Abhishek Sirsi and Prithvikanth. Produced by Venkateshwar Rao, the film has Manoj Cinestudio as the cinematographer, and Sriram Gandharva as the composer. The cast includes Nakul, Subbalakshmi, Ravi Salian, Radhika Achuth Rao, Sampath G Ram, Rakshit Gowda, and Ravi Moorur.