The trailer of the chamber drama Poi Indri Amaiyathu Ulagu was launched yesterday. The film starring Praveen Raj, Vivek Prasanna, Sakshi Aggarwal and Daniel Anne Pope revolves around a bunch of childhood friends who gather at a house to celebrate new year’s eve. They decide to make their calls and messages public throughout the night for fun, but soon they realise that it could be the biggest mistake of their life. As secrets begin to unleash, relationships get tangled. Will they continue the game till dawn? The trailer leaves us with this quesiton.
Carrying shades of Pradeep Ranganathan’s recent hit Love Today, Poi Indri Amaiyathu is directed by Shakthi Vel. The film produced by Jegan Aryan has music by Vasanth and cinematography by Prasad.
The film is expected to release in the first half of 2023.