Trailer of Ken Loach's The Old Oak is here

Earlier we reported that veteran British filmmaker Ken Loach announced his retirement from the industry after his last film The Old Oak. The trailer of the film was released on Tuesday. 

The trailer shows a group of Syrian refugees taking fort in a small unnamed town in the UK. While all the residents of the town are against the move, one man, the owner of The Old Oak pub, decides to help them out. How he and a young Syrian girl bring harmony between the two opposing factions forms the rest of the story. 

The Old Oak recently became the 15th film of Ken Loach to premiere at The Cannes International Film Festival. 

The director previously announced his retirement in 2014 when his film Jimmy’s Halls premiered at Cannes. He announced that the film would be his last. After the election of a Conservative Government in the UK in 2015, his retirement was revoked. The new government’s move to cut social benefits led the director to make I, Daniel Blake. The film bagged him his second Palme d’Or after he bagged the award in 2006 for The Wind That Shakes the Barley.

The Old Oak will be released in the UK and Ireland on September 29.